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Core Module

The Spaceship has a modular interior with 32 hubs. Some modules are available initially, while the others are damaged and need to be repaired to be functional. Research technology developed by experts from Earth allows upgrading the software and hardware of the hubs to the maximum level 10, offering incremental improvements. To upgrade the core of the ship, the user needs to unlock all the available floors for the current level of the core. The process can be done only one at a time because is dependent on the core.

Spaceship interior

Inner Core

The inner core of the spaceship powers all the hubs. Fuelled with dark matter, it can sustain the fusion reaction for a million years. Its outer shell is made out of reinforced titanium to be protected from the environment. Due to the Khyron seismic activity, we will need to execute a diagnosis procedure on the inner core once in a few days to repair eventual damages or errors.

Last updated: 21 DEC 2021